
File sharing & collaboration solution for the pharma industry.

Industry: Pharmaceutical

Client: Kopran Ltd
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


FileAgo proved to be the ideal file sharing and collaboration solution for Kopran Ltd. FileAgo's secure permission model and other related security features allows for secure sharing of information.

Kopran Ltd. is an integrated Pharmaceutical Company, manufacturing and supplying International Quality Formulations and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients worldwide.

Kopran’s manufacturing facilities and products have accreditations in all the continents.


With a penchant of always choosing the best, Kopran was on the lookout for a secure and reliable self-hosted file management and collaboration software for quite some time. Their major requirements were:

  • ability to share files securely among employees
  • ability to share files with other vendors and healthcare partners (sharing outside the org) if required
  • ability to maintain logs of all user actions for audit purposes
  • protections against loss of data
  • must be stable and available at all times
  • OEM’s willingness to customize the solution to suit Kopran ’s internal policies and guidelines


FileAgo comfortably passed all the requirements stated above. After a successful Proof-Of-Concept (POC) trial, we received go-ahead to setup the production environment.

In the weeks that followed, users were trained by the FileAgo support team. Several customizations requested in order to adhere to their policies were also implemented successfully.


Today, FileAgo is used extensively within Kopran for file storage, sharing and collaboration. Compared to traditional methods of file sharing (via email attachments), FileAgo offers more security with its features like shared link expiry, password protection and one-time download functionality.

Written in Erlang - a programming language which is well-known for its robustness, FileAgo’s stability and reliability was proven once again here. It is almost a year now since going production, and there has not been even a single minute of downtime!

“It is truly impressive. Earlier, we tested several solutions which sometimes work, and sometimes don’t. With FileAgo, the user experience and performance remain the same whether it is 10 users or 100s of users accessing the data simultaneously”, says Mr. Santosh, IT Chief.

Also, since FileAgo maintains event logs of all user activities (logs are preserved forever), it is very easy to track the activity performed by a particular user on a resource (file/folder) even if it occurred several months ago.

FileAgo’s file revisions feature coupled with its Trash folder functionality ensures adequate protection against data loss due to accidental deletion or overwriting of data, which is critical when it comes to an industry leader like Kopran.


FileAgo successfully fulfilled all file management and sharing requirements of Kopran. The benefits described above has resulted in easier file access, sharing and collaboration both internally, as well as with outside vendors and partners.

“FileAgo has become an integral part of our daily work. Our users love its simplicity while I am impressed by its stability and security features - easily the best.”
IT Chief

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